The construction of a multilingual website is very easy. You can define any number of languages for the ZMS instance. This leads to a replication of the object structure. Each XML element is replicated in the same hierarchy with the corresponding variants for each language. This may happen at any point of the production, even after the website´s primary language has been started up.
First the object or element contents – just like all corresponding attribute values – are empty in each language replication respectively inherit the contents of the primary language. During the translation workflow the inherited contents are substituted by multi-lingual contents so that language variants branch out.
In the management mode a series of buttons with corresponding links for each language appears, facilitating a quick change between the languages.
Each URL possesses a suffix for its specific language variant which can be chosen at will by the definition of the language. (The use of the 3-letter-code according to ISO 639-2is recommended.)

Erstellt von: Dr. Frank Hoffmann , HOFFMANN+LIEBENBERG , erstellt am:  2008/06/27 , zuletzt geändert: 2008/07/22