• Listing documents for resubmission
    To declare a date for resubmission the document model is enhanced with a meta attribute 'DC.Date.Valid'. The action 'manage_dcDateValid' lists the objects in the defined resubmission interval and at the same time allows a selective extension of the resubmission date.

  • List of all new objects in a given space of time
    The action generates a list of all new objects in a given space of time and statically writes the list in a new text section.

  • Recursive Object Release
    Action for the recursive release of all content objects starting from the current object.

  • Recursive Search & Replace
    Action for the recursive search and replace of text incidents in all attributes.

  • Fragmenting Paragraphs in Text Sections
    Action for the segmentation of text sections containing several paragraphs in corresponding single-paragraph text objects.

  • Processing Paragraph Markers
    Besides the segmentation of text sections containing several paragraphs in corresponding single-paragraph text objects, for a paragraph (created beyond ZMS) instead of the string sequence ¶(Image $)¶ an image object shall be inserted.

  • Changing type of a special object
    The multilingualism of characteristics of special objects cannot be changed belatedly offhand. The action makes a mapping from a special object type to a new one and at the same time can correct the multilingualism of attributes.

  • Link Checker for testing internal and external Links
    The Link Checker tests internal and external links for consistency and lists all references from URL- and text attributes with their current state.

  • Metadata Checker searches for empty attribute values
    The actions searches for empty attribute values (e.g. DOI) in the meta attributes of the objects of the tree.

  • Analysing the size of the ZMS objects
    The action analyzes the size of the ZMS objects of the current level on basis of the ZEXP file.

  • Recursive Activation of all inactive Objects
    This action recursively activates all inactive objects of the currently selected language in the tree from that ZMS instance, folder or document on from which it is called. Per default also all page elements are activated, but this can be finely configured in the action editor.

  • Action for Generating DOI Cipher Codes
    DOI = Digital Object Identifier, worldwide definite character code for identifying a scientific publication, consists of a code sequence defined by convention with which the suffix is given unambiguously for each publication by the information provider. The action progressively generates definite numerics and identifies doublings caused by false manual declaration. Beyond this the action allows the output of a DOI-Batch-File (XML) for updating the publication meta data with DOI-Registrar.

  • Showing Object Age
    Action to display the age of objects. User-dependent presentation of the age starting from a free selectable date

  • Display Object Age
    Action to display the age of objects. User-dependent presentation of the age starting from a free selectable date. Action works also with Python 2.2.3

  • Show differences
    Action for displaying changes of objects between live- and work-versions.

  • Translate Tables
    The standard element for tables as a container is multilingual; however this is not valid for the table structure. That may be different in each language; the action "translate table" replicates 'on-demand' the primary-language table to the hetero-lingual variants so that the translator has a template. The action exists in two variants: 'push' pushing from the primary language; 'pull' pulling from the secondary languages.

  • Replicate Users from Portal to Clients
    The action replicates users from the portal to selected sub-clients.

Erstellt von: D. Nordmann , erstellt am:  2008/06/27 , zuletzt geändert: 2008/07/21