
E-Government in der Praxis
Leitfaden für Politik und Verwaltung
(E-Government in Practice
Guideline for Politics and Administration)
Reza Asghari (ed.)
258 pages
Software & Support Verlag
ISBN 3-935042-53-1
Price: 24.90 EUR


From the jacket text: With initiatives like BundOnline 2005 and DeutschlandOnline the German Government carries out a successive digitalisation of all administrative processes. The implementation of a consequential E-Government makes great demands on IT project managers, system administrators and software developers: is is necessary to integrate complex Know-how of administrative and technological areas. The authors of this guideline refer to this challenge and highlight in three subject areas the economic, technological and judicial perspectives of integration. They do not only describe the different business models Government-to-Citizen (G2C), Government-to-Business (G2B) and Government-to-Government (G2G), but go beyond the different transactional levels and work out how a sustainable Customer-Relationship-Management may be anchored in E-Government.

Erstellt von: Dr. F. Hoffmann , erstellt am:  2008/06/27 , zuletzt geändert: 2008/07/22