Please show the following SVG image in german language!.

The SVG-XML-file is embedded in the HTML stream per <embed> (see below); for code generating resp. comfortable integration a corresponding "special ZMS object" can be used.
The SVG image contains for each language a layer-like placed group of text elements. These contain an attribute "lang" for their language characteristics in kind of
<text x="-3000" y="2500" class="description" lang="ger">Dies ist ein Deutsches Quadrat</text>
<text x="-3000" y="2500" class="description" lang="eng">This is an English Rectangle</text>

The SVG file is formatted via an external CSS, i.e. it refers to a DTML methode that contains the CSS code resp. displays it with given parametrisation (e.g. regarding the surrounding variables "lang") request-specifically. CSS example:

.description {
.description[lang|="<dtml-var "REQUEST.get('lang','ger')">"] {

Decisive here is the special CSS syntax for the attribute-value-dependent modification of the text elements "description".
The call of the SVG object happens with handing over the current lang-attribute so that the SVG object "learns" the value from its container; e.g.:

<embed src="rect.svg?lang=<dtml-var "REQUEST.get('lang',getPrimaryLanguage())">" type="image/svg+xml" width="300" height="300">

This parameter must now be handed over also to the CSS which must be called externally (as DTML method), so that according to the presentation above a display adapted to the attribute value of the CSS code takes place; so in the SVG code the CSS call is as follows:

<?xml-stylesheet href="common/rect.css?lang=<dtml-var "REQUEST.get('lang',getPrimaryLanguage())">" type="text/css"?>

Erstellt von: Dr. F. Hoffmann , erstellt am:  2008/06/27 , zuletzt geändert: 2008/07/21