In the system configuration an efficient editing mode for text streams can be activated under "Miscellaneous" with the option "DirectEditing": the DirectEditing-function provides in the document preview or in the editing interface the option to process texts directly in the Browser without switching the interface. The option refers to the most important standard objects (text section, image, table) and therefore is very suitable for a non-structuring correction of long texts.
DirectEditing activates the "contentEditable"-attribute in HTML code and herewith allows Internet-Explorer 5.5+ the direct processing of the text element.
The ZMS approach deliberately has extremely poor functions and is limited to pure inserting/deleting of text; DirectEditing shall not substitute an editor, but it shall be used complementary only. In this way the text´s structure quality can be kept up.


Activating the DirectEditing option in the system configuration.

Tip: Quick editing with "red and blue dots"

The following code provides a micronavigation (template bodyContent_Micronavigation) that displays at the end of the line always a tiny red and blue 'Edit-Button'. The points refer to in different editing modalities:
1. red: switch to the site in the editing interface
2. blue: direct editing at the site

<dtml-in "breadcrumbs_obj_path()">
  <dtml-if sequence-end>
    <dtml-var "getTitlealt(REQUEST)"><a title="ZMSEdit!" 
    <dtml-if "REQUEST.get('preview','')=='preview'">target="_parent"</dtml-if> 
     href="manage?lang=<dtml-var lang>" style="color:red;text-decoration:none">
     &nbsp;&nbsp;&middot;&nbsp;</a><a title="DirectEdit!" 
     <dtml-if "REQUEST.get('preview','')=='preview'">target="_parent"</dtml-if> 
     href="?preview=preview" style="color:blue;text-decoration:none">
     <a href="<dtml-var "getHref2IndexHtml(REQUEST)">" 
     class="navMicro"><dtml-var "getTitlealt(REQUEST)"></a>

Direct editing via a tiny edit button in the micronavigation; alternatively to direct editing you can also switch to the editing interface. The operation must be ended for each subsection element individually with "Change"; alternatively you may switch directly to the common ZMS object processing with "Edit Text".

Erstellt von: Dr. F. Hoffmann , erstellt am:  2008/06/27 , zuletzt geändert: 2008/07/21